Showing 1–12 of 15 results

Manuka Honey is probably the most well-known of our Honey and is renowned for its healing, antibacterial properties. Our Manuka Honey is produced by bees foraging in the remote pristine forests of the South Island of New Zealand. Straight from the beehive, just as nature intended. Enjoy by the spoonful, or as a spread, to support good health and general wellbeing.

We grade our honey, based on Methylglyoxal (MG) levels. Methylglyoxal is the ingredient that provides Manuka Honey with its antibacterial properties, and MPI (New Zealand’s Ministry for Primary Industries) regulations mean we need to use MG to grade our Manuka Honeys.
Our Manuka Honey is minimally processed and contains no added ingredients or preservatives. Giving you peace of mind you’ve bought a quality, genuine Manuka Honey product, each Manuka Honey batch is independently tested by three laboratories for Methylglyoxal levels, C4 carbon sugars, Hydroxymethylfurfural and pollen count. To see the results for your honey click here.